Crystal glass nail files are the best way to treat your nails, with decorated files it’s also a pleasure for your eyes way.

Crystal glass nail files decorated

 Crystal glass nail files a safest and prettiest nail care tool, also great as a present and a new way of replacing boring and ineffective types of nail files. Unlike commonly used paper or sapphire nail files, you will forget about the fact going to drug store and bying a new crystal glass nail file. Well known feature of crystal glass nail files, it's their durability.


 Fulgent world's unique technology  allows us to produce filing surface and the rest of crystal glass nail file from one piece. Surface is equally and smoothly finished according to hygienic standards.

 Tempered Czech glass, is the only original glass, that can be used in crystal glass nail files production. And the finishing touch to get crystal glass nail files done, is decoration procces, of which you can find detailed information here.


 If you would like to know more about Production technology, please visit the page.

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